Welcome to Contacts Advice!Julie of Contacts Advice

My name is Julie and I had the idea to start Contacts Advice a few years ago when I worked at an eye doctor’s office. While I was there, I noticed just how much contact lens wearers were overpaying for their contact lenses.

I did some research and found out that when you use your contact lens prescription to purchase contact lenses online, not only do you the exact same contact lenses you would get from your eye doctor, but you also get at a much lower cost!

Once I realized this, I went online to try to find the best place to order contact lenses online. What I found was shocking.

Even among online contact lens stores, prices varied by as much as 2X from one website to another. When I realized that even people who were shopping online were getting ripped off, I decided to put an end to it.

I started Contacts Advice, now the internet’s most comprehensive contact lens price comparison site.

My mission is simple:

Save as many contact lens wearers as much money as possible.

How Does Contacts Advice Work?Contacts Advice Logo

Contacts Advice offers 4 key tools to offer you the best price possible on your contact lenses:

  • Monthly Price Checks
  • Comprehensive Price Comparison Chart
  • Best Price Table
  • Free Contact Lens Price Consult

Weekly Price Checks

Every week I check the price of over 50 brands at the top 10 contact lens websites on the internet. That’s over 500 price checks every week! Every price I research is posted directly on Contact’s Advice’s homepage for you to look at.

Comprehensive Price Comparison Chart

You can easily look up the price of your brand of contact lenses across the top 10 contact lens websites with Contacts Advice’s Comprehensive Price Comparison Chart. It is available on Contact’s Advice homepage at all times, and update weekly to ensure prices are always accurate.

You will be amazed at how much the price for your contacts varies across different websites!

Best Price Table

If you just want to cut the chase and know where the lowest price for your website site, there is a table on Contacts Advice’s homepage that shows you just that. Just scroll down until you find your brand, and the listed price and website will be the website with the lowest price for your brand.

If you can’t find your brand on Contacts Advice’s homepage, no problem! You can simply get a free contact lens price consult for your specific brand.

Free Contact Lens Price Consults

I recognized the need for a more individualized approach to saving people money when I looked further into every website’s policies. Some sites offer free shipping, some don’t, and some only do above a certain minimum purchase. Some sites offer giant volume discounts, and some sites have a hidden processing fee.

What all of this means is that the best website to purchase your contact lenses actually depends on how many boxes you intend to order.

That’s right. It means that if you only want to order 2 boxes, the lowest price will be at different website compared to if you wanted to by 4, 8, etc.

This being the case, people buying contact lenses online are rarely getting the lowest price possible on their contact lenses.

My free contact lens price consults are meant to solve this. Simply tell me your brand and how many boxes you plan to order, and I will search over 20 contact lens websites to see which one offers the best price for your order.

Why Order Contact Lenses Online?Air Optix Multifocal Price Comparison - Shipping Fee

Ordering contact lenses on the internet has become increasingly popular for many reasons.

  • It’s Fast
  • It’s Easy
  • It’s Convenient
  • It’s Less Expensive

It’s Fast

The contact lenses you order online take just as much time to get to your doorstep as it takes to get to your doctor’s office. The difference is that ordering online allows you to skip the extra step of driving out to your eye doctor to pick them up.

It’s Easy

Ordering contact lenses online is fool-proof. All you have to do is enter the number found directly on your contact lens prescription and click order. Furthermore, your prescription is validated by your eye doctor him/herself by the contact lens vendor before the lenses get shipped out to you.

It’s Convenient

When you shop for contact lenses online, you are not restricted by regular business hours. You can order your contact lenses anytime of the day, any day of the week so you don’t have to take time off work or sit in traffic to order your contact lenses, and again to go pick them up.

You also have the option to have your order shipped to your home or workplace, depending on what is more convenient for you.

It’s Less Expensive!

The most obvious reason to shop for contact lenses online is that is way less expensive if you know the right site (see above). Knowing the best place to shop for your contact lenses online can easily save you hundreds of dollars per year!

If you have any questions about Contacts Advice and how it can save you money, feel free to send me a message on Facebook.

