If you’re looking for color contact lenses for astigmatism, you might have come across the website QueenContacts.com. However, I would advise that you read this article before you order contact lenses from there.
What is QueenContacts?
QueenContacts is a Korean based website established in 2000 that sells exclusively color contact lenses.
At first glance, they appear to have something for everyone. At the very top right of the page, there is a section specifically for people with astigmatism. But before you scream out ‘Hallelujah!’ and start ordering, there’s one very important thing you need to know.
Most of Them Only Come in One Axis
The ‘Axis’ is a very important part of your prescription if you have astigmatism. Even if you order the proper ‘Sphere’ and ‘Cylinder’ number, if the axis is off by more than a few degrees, you will not see properly with your contact lenses.
A prescription for contact lenses can have an axis of anywhere from 010 – 180, usually in increments of 10. In other words, your axis could be any of the following: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180.
That’s a lot of different possibilities.
Important Note:At QueenContacts, many of their color contact lenses for astigmatism only come in axis 180 |
That means that they are not unsuitable for the majority of people with astigmatism.
The following colors are among those that are only available in axis 180.
Basically, wherever you see ‘180 AXLS’ in the name, that is a brand that is only available in an axis of 180.
QueenContacts does have several brands that have all the typical axis available in contact lenses for astigmatism, but very few of these are in their colorful designs such as blue, green, violet etc.
As far as their lenses with a full range of axis, they are mostly brown and gray.
Why The Axis is Important
If you don’t know what an axis is, you can learn more about it by clicking here.
To correct for astigmatism, you must wear contact lenses for astigmatism (also known as toric contact lenses). To learn about how contact lenses for astigmatism work, click here.
The ‘Axis’ is important in contact lenses for astigmatism because it determines the orientation of the ‘Sphere’ and ‘Cylinder’ powers.
Ordering contact lenses with the correct ‘Sphere’ and ‘Cylinder’ but wrong ‘Axis’ is like showing up for an appointment at the right place, but the wrong time. Just like how you need to know both the time and place of an appointment to for it to work out, you also must have the correct ‘Sphere’, ‘Cylinder’ and ‘Axis’ in order to see clearly with your toric contact lenses.
How This Can Lead To Errors
When ordering contact lenses online, it is common to have to choose parameters from a drop-down menu even if there is only one option. For example, for most brands, the base curve and the diameter only have one option.
However, don’t make the mistake of thinking that just because there is only 1 option in the drop-down menu for ‘Axis’, that it must be by default the correct option. Doing so may result in some serious problems with your contact lenses.

Why Only 180?
The reason why QueenContacts only has the 180 ‘Axis’ option for so many of their contacts, is because 180 happens to be the most common axis among people who have astigmatism. If you happen to have an axis of 180 for both eyes, then you are lucky and will be able to order to any of QueenContacts’ colored contact lenses for astigmatism. Otherwise, you’re simply out of luck.
Other Parameters
Sphere: 0 to -12.00 D
QueenContacts’ color contact lenses for astigmatism are available in ‘Spheres’ from 0 to -12.00 D. This means that they cover mostly everybody who is nearsighted, but absolutely nobody who is farsighted.
Cylinder: 0 to -3.75 D
‘Cylinder’ values are available from 0 to -3.75 D. This also covers most people with astigmatism, although heavy caution should be exercised by people with higher levels of astigmatism.
Additional Specifications
Base Curve: 8.6
Diameter: 14 mm
Water Content: 38%
Duration: 12 months
What Are Some Alternatives to QueenContacts?
If you can’t find what you’re looking for at QueenContacts, there are some other options. I have written the following review articles which look at the sites Parana Lentes, Desio, and PinkyParadise.
Color Contact Lenses For Astigmatism: They Do Exist!
Color Contact Lenses For Astigmatism: Where To Find Them
Regardless of where you get your contact lenses from, remember to always consult with your eye doctor before you start using any type of contact lenses.
Do you know any other place to order color contact lenses for astigmatism online? If so, please share with us where in the comments below.
One Response
Thanks for this info! I have ordered toric lens in pinkyparadise but it takes 2 to 3 months production time. But i saw queencontacts they can make it in a few weeks but good thing i read your article. Thanks a lot!