The contact lens website ContactsCart’s homepage claims “Your favorite contacts. Amazingly low prices.” Ok, I’ll bite!
Finding the lowest contact lens prices on the internet is my specialty. In this article I will review ContactsCart and we’ll see just how low their prices are compared to other popular contact lens websites.
Who runs ContactsCart?
Before we dive into their prices, let’s get a sense of who operates ContactsCart.
If you open up their privacy policy pdf, you’ll see that their parent company is Vision Path, Inc.
Vision Path, Inc… sounds familiar. Where have I seen them before?
Oh yeah! Hubble Contacts!
Well that makes sense. After all, the very first thing you see when you go to is a half-page link to ContactsCart on the right.
Ok so Hubble Contacts and ContactsCart are run by the same company. That’s not necessarily a knock against ContactCart except… as I’ve written about in the past, Hubble Contacts has made some false claims about its product in the past.
But let’s keep an open mind!
ContactsCart Price Claims
Here are some of the claims found on ContactsCart’s website.
Alight, I think we get the idea. They don’t specifically claim to have the lowest prices for contact lenses, but it does seem like they consider themselves a lot less expensive than their competitors. Let’s see if that’s true!
ContactsCart Prices
I’m not going to nitpick which brands I compare in order to try to find worst examples. I’m going to compare the brands that ContactsCart lists in their “Top Brands” menu.
Of course the brands they list as their top brands are more like brand-families, each of them containing several different variations. So I’ll be comparing the most common brand variation and box-size.
I will compare ContactsCart’s price with the 2 lowest prices I’ve been able to find at other contact lens websites.
Let’s begin!
Acuvue Oasys 24pk
$88.99 |
$60.94 |
$82.95 |
Biofinity 6pk
$34.40 |
$19.58 |
$26.75 |
Proclear 6pk
$32.80 |
$15.95 |
$29.25 |
SofLens 38 6pk
$21.26 |
$15.97 |
$14.95 |
Clariti 1-Day 90pk
$46.40 |
$52.98 |
$59.74 |
Biotrue ONEday 90pk
$48.00 |
$30.78 |
$49.95 |
Basuch + Lomb ULTRA
$36.80 |
$22.11 |
$29.95 |
Avaira Vitality 6pk
$23.20 |
$18.94 |
$26.95 |
As you can see from the contact lens price comparisons above, ContactsCart has mediocre-bad prices.
I compared all of ContactCart’s top brands and found that for all but brand, ContactsCart’s price was significantly higher than at least 2 other contact lens websites.
Surprisingly however, for the brand Clariti 1-Day it actually had the lowest price I could find anywhere online. So credit to them for that!
Who Am I?
If you’re wondering who I am and why I decided to even write this article, I’m glad you’re interested! My name is Julie and my mission is to uncover and showcase where the lowest contact lens prices can be found for every brand.
What’s The Deal With ContactsCart?
With all the different contact lens websites out there these days, why should you shop at ContactsCart? Is there anything that makes them special or different from the rest?
Subscription Model
Much like their sister company Hubble Contacts, ContactsCart seems to do everything on subscription basis.
How it Works
A contact lens subscription means that when you order contact lenses, you will automatically be charged and sent a new supply when you’re suppose to have run out.
For example if you wear monthly contact lenses and you purchase 6 pairs, in 6 month you will automatically receive 6 more pairs in the mail. This process goes on indefinitely until you cancel your subscription.
Here’s a excerpt from their website on how this works:

Contact lens subscriptions are good if you are prone to forgetting to order new contact lenses until you’ve already run out, putting you in a bind each time.
You are locked into a certain price, which is not necessarily the best. Contact lens prices are always changing meaning that unless you do some price comparisons before each purchase, you’re going to be overpaying for your contact lenses.
Luckily, Contacts Advice makes contact lens prices comparisons super easy!
If you are an infrequent or irregular contact lens wearer, it simply makes no sense to receive a set amount of contact lenses at regular intervals.
Example: If you only wear contact lenses during the summer, or only for special occasions, or only for sports, etc.
Cancelling Woes
Once a company has your credit card information and has your consent to charge it recurrently, they don’t usually make it easy for you cancel.
When you browse complaints about Vision Path, Inc. (Hubble Contacts & ContactsCart), a considerable number of complaints are about not being able to cancel their subscription.
Here are some entries from Vision Path, Inc.’s profile on Better Business Bureau’s website (which gives them a rating of B overall).

Final Verdict on ContactsCart
The prices were fairly average. They are definitely not the highest that I’ve seen on other websites such as 1-800 Contacts or Walgreens, but they’re also not the lowest by far.
The prices being better for some brands and worse for other is not at all surprising. All contact lens websites do this. This is not 1 website out there that has the lowest price for every single brand. A contact lens website may have a great price for a particular brand, but terrible prices for other brands. That’s just the way it is.
While most of the brand I compared in this article were considerably higher than the lowest price found online, there was 1 brand which had the lowest price I could find anywhere. That being the case, I will start including ContactsCart in the websites that I compare monthly.
However, despite that, I have to conclude that ContactsCart does not live up to their claims of having ‘amazingly low prices’.
What do you think?
Are you a fan of contact lens subscriptions? Have you ordered from ContactsCart? Please let me know in the comments below!
2 Responses
I am going through this right now with this company. Very poor customer service. Got wrong contacts and they will not send correct ones. They said my doctor wrote it wrong. I have had the same prescription for two years! Do not give them your money.
I feel scammed as well. Was told I had subscribed to the service and could not cancel the pending order. I was not able to access my account so there was not way for me to cancel or modify the subscription. Called customer service and the said they would then activate my account. How can I change or cancel my account if it isnt active? Customer service not frindly or helpful.
Do not order from!